Setting a business model can be a controversial topic in many companies, and few decisions can have a bigger impact on the shape of your business. Figuring out what to charge for, and how to charge for it, can feel like a daunting task. And once you think you know how to charge, figuring out where to set prices is another important decision.

We're a strategy and research firm that helps clients decide how to charge for their products, and what the prices should be. And when it comes to pricing, one thing is clear: don't leave it to chance. 

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Of course, very few companies pick prices randomly for their products. But often, it's an overlooked topic that doesn't get the attention that it needs leading up to launch. Done thoughtfully, it can be a huge advantage, and make marketing and sales more efficient. But when pricing isn't done well, it can be a long term drag on the product, and be very hard to correct.

It sounds complicated, but there's a way forward. We have a lot of experience in pricing, and help clients figure out how to turn their business model into a competitive and strategic advantage. Whether you're doing business model design for a brand new product, or launching new products within an existing ecosystem, we can help. Contact us to find out how.